Foreign Language Department
French Language and Culture: 2019-2020
Madame Finan
les élèves! Bienvenue au cours AP de français ! I am
thrilled you have chosen to continue your study of French, and I look forward
to watching your language skills grow as you continue to speak, read, and write
in French. Before we begin the year, please take a moment to familiarize
yourself with my expectations for the school year.
Notebook paper, pen, pencils
A composition notebook
Please bring your Allons au-dela book and your tablet computer to class each day.
Ladd, Richard. Allons
au-delà: la langue et les cultures du monde francophone. Pearson
Education, 2012.
Richard. AP French : Preparing for
the Language and Culture Examination.
Pearson Education, 2012.
selections from:
Blume, Eli. Troisème
Livre. Amsco School Publications, 1978.
Blume, Eli. Cours
Supérieur. Amsco School Publications, 1970.
Cherie. Imaginez: le français sans frontières. Vista
Higher Learning, 2008.
sources :
If your absence is planned/excused, please be responsible and
plan to prepare your work ahead of time. If you have been ill, please email me
and speak with me immediately upon your return, and plan to have your
assignments completed within two days of your return. If you have been ill and
have missed a test or quiz, speak with me about your return about scheduling a
time to make it up. I reserve the right to offer a slightly different version
of an assessment or assignment.
In any foreign language class, practice and repetition are
essential to learning vocabulary and grammar. You should expect daily homework
assignments in French class. These assignments completed outside of class are a
means of practicing and reinforcing what we learned together in class. Remember that if you plan to take the AP
exam, you should plan to invest additional time studying and reviewing
vocabulary and grammar beyond the daily assigned homework.
In our cours de français, here are my expectations:
Show respect (for me, your classmates, and for
yourself). This is essential if we are to have a safe atmosphere where everyone
feels comfortable speaking.
Parlez en
français! You are in French IV, so you should always be speaking in
the target language in class.
Complete homework assignments on time and come to
class prepared and ready to learn.
Be responsible and talk to me in advance about
any problems/concerns you may have –do not wait until after class to talk to me
about a conflict you may have had.
Communicating in French will
demand your full attention, so please do not allow technology to distract you.
The following are the rules that need to be followed on a daily basis in
regards to technology.
•Cell phones should be put away
during class.
•Students should never visit a
social media site, Skype, online shop, or play computer games during
•Students should not be on
their email unless needed for class.
•Students should not use online dictionaries or translators
unless specified.
There are many web
pages in the Internet that can be used as translators from Spanish to
French or vice versa. Their usage is completely
forbidden for any work due in this class. If I suspect a student
has used such a tool, this will be considered cheating and will be
submitted to the Honor Council.
Your grade in this class will
be based on the following:
Alternate assessments (including vocabulary and grammar quizzes,
writing and listening activities, oral recordings)
Projects and presentations
Participation in class (this includes speaking French with me and
your classmates)*
* *Proba te dignum points: Twenty
points each are possible each quarter for proving yourself worthy as a student.
This means that in order to earn your point each day, you come to class on
time, with all of your necessary materials, and with a respectful, attentive
attitude. If you lack one of these, you will lose your point for the
day. Unexcused absences will result in a loss of points.
final exam will be worth 15% of the final grade (this exam is given in
Learning a foreign language can
be challenging, but it can also be fun and is extremely rewarding. I look
forward to beginning your French journey with you. As always, I encourage you
to come see me during tutorials if you have questions or are struggling with
something. We are in this adventure together, and I look forward to a wonderful
year with you. Allons-y!